Tuesday Ten: How to stay motivated to exercise during the work week

I really like Lauren Conrad..and I really like the idea of doing Tuesday ten posts. 

So here goes my first one. 

Exercising can be challenging. Add in work or being a mom and mine as well just throw the idea out the window. This last year I have been trying to focus on living a healthy lifestyle incorporating exercise into my daily routine. Here are 10 things that help me stay motivated during the work week. 

1. Make a schedule at the beginning of the week. Every Sunday I sit down and write out what I am going to do each day for exercise and when. Sometimes I will run on my lunch break or head to yoga right after work. Having a schedule keeps me on track and accountable. 

2. Eat healthy! The healthier you eat the more chance you have of actually getting out and exercising. Again, on Sunday I make a meal plan for everyday of the week so that we don't eat out and we have healthy meals to fuel our bodies. 

3. Drink lots of water. My fitness guide used to tell me hydration was one of the most important parts of your daily exercise routine. Our bodies feel better when we are hydrated. If our bodies are feeling good we are more likely to exercise! 

4. Bring your workout clothes to work with you. This ALWAYS keeps me from saying NO. If I have my workout clothes with me I have no excuse to not fit in a quick workout on lunch or head to the gym or yoga studio after work. 

5. Join a fitness app with your friends/spouse/family and add each other. My friends and I all use Map My Run to help us stay motivated. When I see one of my friends working out it makes me want to work out too. 

6. Eat a snack an hour before you exercise. I always like to eat a banana 30 minutes to an hour before I exercise. This fuels the body with carbs that will keep you energized for the workout. 

7. Switch it up. If you do the same thing everyday it is bound to get boring and harder to do. I switch off between yoga and running. This keeps me from not getting sick of either one. 

8. Tell yourself in the morning "I am going to workout today." If you wakeup in the right mindset you are more likely to workout that day.

9. Partner with a friend. Having someone to go with you keeps you accountable and it is more fun. Sometimes at work one of my co-workers will come on a jog with me. I love meeting my friends at the yoga studio or for an outdoor run after work. 

10. Give yourself a reward! Self motivation is key. I think this is what pushes me throughout the week. If I workout a certain amount of times I will allow myself a Starbucks holiday drink or frozen yogurt. Small rewards keep me going. 



  1. This was seriously the motivation I've been needing! Happy to find your blog Mariah! Now following...
    Love Charlene via

  2. I really needed this motivation today . I have been feeling so sluggish and BLAH .. SO Happy to be apart of your beautiful blog

  3. I also needed this motivation! Thank you : ) It's hard to find the time but you are right, just keep motivated. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Such great tips, I really need to get back into it!
    This is a really great post :)


    Blog: Stolen Inspiration
    Instagram: KendraAlexandra
    Facebook: StolenInspiration

    1. Glad you enjoyed it kendra! Checking out your blog now!

  5. This is what I need! Lol! Great post Mariah. Thanks for the sweet comment and I'm following you back via GFC :) Have a great week.

    Anne @ The Pink Momma

  6. Great post! I have found I have to drink tons of water during the work day, and that helps me prep for my work-outs and stay healthy! Following you via GFC!


  7. love these tips! :) i've been trying to figure out how to exercise enough ever since starting full time!

    found you on Oak + Oats (i'm sponsoring her this month too!) & followed you on bloglovin :)

    1. Yes full time makes it SO hard! That's why i made these tips :) they have helped me so much!!

      following you now too!


  8. Great tips! It was the worst when I didn't have a consistent schedule... But now it's easier to make time. :)

  9. Drinking lots of water has been one of my challenges as I am not to fond of the taste weird huh but love the idea of setting up a schedule keeps you on track. Now following your blog:)

  10. Great tips! I have needed some motivation in the workout area! I love these!
