DIY: Christmas Boxes


Want an EASY craft that will add a fun touch of Christmas cheer to your house this season?

I've got just the thing for you! and it only costs around $15!

All you have to do is purchase the wood, pick out some fun paper, and have some basic colors of paint. 

1. Start with your plain block of wood (link at bottom for where you can buy the blocks for cheap). Sand it down so that paper and paint lay smoothly on. 

2. Pick some fun holiday paper. I picked out all sorts of sparkly fun patter papers! 

3. Get some paint that matches the general colors of your paper..since it's christmas you would probably be safe with red, green, gold, and silver. 

4. Trace the outline of the box onto your paper. Make sure you mark which side you traced so that you only paint the back side that will show. 

5. Paint the sides and back. For rach present I painted the sides whatever color corresponded with the paper colors. 

6. Glue the paper on the front and you are golden! 

Here are the links to buy the wood:

Happy crafting! 


  1. Adorable idea! I love the patterns you chose!


  2. I swear if I owned a magazine… YOU might be asked to head up the craft section. Just precious my friend. LOVED It
