Yoga teacher training is truly amazing.
I grow more and more every week.
I came across this in my reading and LOVED it.
The eight limed yogic path is a step-by-step path toward the realization of yoga, or union with the universal self.
1. Yamas: Restraints which apply specifically to how you behave outwardly towards other beings.
(non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, sensual moderation, non-grasping)
2. Niyama: Observances which apply to how you conduct yourself on a more personal level.
(cleanliness, contentment, discipline, self-study, devotion)
3. Asana: Getting control over our physical bodies.
4. Pranayama: Ones own vital energy and life force. By manipulating the breath, we learn how to manage our energy more skillfully.
5. Pratyhara: "withdrawal from the senses." Energy and attention is directed inward to the heart and mind. One stops reaching out through the senses toward external stimuli.
6. Dharana: Training the mind to focus on a single point, or object for a prolonged period of time.
7. Dhyana: Meditation. The choice to focus.
8. Samadhi: Complete evenness and equilibrium in the mind. There is no separation, only love and oneness.
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